Bob Bove Neuroscience Institute
Scottsdale, AZ
Project Description
The Neuroscience Institute is a five-story, 120,000sf, state-of-the-art facility for HonorHealth. This new building brings together experts in a variety of fields (e.g., neurology, neurosurgery, physical medicine and rehabilitation, speech, occupational and physical therapy), creating an integrated approach to treatment.
Spaces include a state-of-the-art conference center, a 32-chair infusions suite, a bio skills lab, Spine Group Arizona, Barrow Brain and Spine neurosurgeon offices, a physical therapy center with spine and neuro gyms, and a wellness center.
As a national hub for complete neuroscience care HonorHealth will provide comprehensive, integrated care in one location. With visionary and expert leaders, the many world-renowned physicians will provide a concept of team-based care where neurological excellence meets patient centered care and comfort.What Our Clients Are Saying
Devenney Group Ltd.Location
Bob Bove Neuroscience Institute
7242 E Osborn Rd
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251